Ladies Fourth Friday Breakfast
Black Diamond Restaurant 1200 S Central Ave, Minotola, NJ, United StatesThis month our TBC Ladies will be meeting for breakfast at The Black Diamond Restaurant in Minotola, NJ - 9AM
This month our TBC Ladies will be meeting for breakfast at The Black Diamond Restaurant in Minotola, NJ - 9AM
Join us for an movie and some delicious pizza at TBC. Movie: "A Horse Called Bear"
You won't want to miss this special time together! Dr. Valerie Gouse will be presenting "A Journey with Weak Giants" Tuesday November 9th at 5:30pm
Boxes for Operation Christmas Child Due November 14th Shipping is $9.00 Per Box
Join us in our fellowship hall for supper at 6:00pm for a Taco Dinner We will move to the Auditorium at 7:00pm for our annual Praise and Testimony Time.
Malaga Diner
Join us for a special Christmas Craft December 7th at 10AM TBC Fellowship Hall
Friday Evenings at 6:30. Weather Permitting. Contact the church for directions.
All TBC Members are encouraged to be in attendance for our business meeting after the morning service.
Tuesday April 19th at 10am.