Movie & Pizza Night
Join us for an movie and some delicious pizza at TBC. Movie: "A Horse Called Bear"
Join us for an movie and some delicious pizza at TBC. Movie: "A Horse Called Bear"
You won't want to miss this special time together! Dr. Valerie Gouse will be presenting "A Journey with Weak Giants" Tuesday November 9th at 5:30pm
Boxes for Operation Christmas Child Due November 14th Shipping is $9.00 Per Box
Join us in our fellowship hall for supper at 6:00pm for a Taco Dinner We will move to the Auditorium at 7:00pm for our annual Praise and Testimony Time.
Malaga Diner
Join us for a special Christmas Craft December 7th at 10AM TBC Fellowship Hall
Friday Evenings at 6:30. Weather Permitting. Contact the church for directions.
All TBC Members are encouraged to be in attendance for our business meeting after the morning service.
Tuesday April 19th at 10am.
Meeting at Queen Restaurant II on Landis Ave in Vineland.