Ladies Fourth Friday Breakfast
Meeting at Pegasus Restaurant in Malaga
Meeting at Pegasus Restaurant in Malaga
Movie: Mountain Top - A Preacher who gave up his law practice re-enters the courtroom to solve a case.
Join us as we welcome Missionaries Dan & Casie Falls with Ethnos 360.
Contact the church for more information
All Church Members are encouraged to be in attendace for the brief meeting after the moring service.
Join us as we celebrate the ordinace of Baptism and child dedication.
Giddy up on over as we grow in God! VBS flyer 2022
Giddy up on over as we grow in God! VBS flyer 2022
Giddy up on over as we grow in God! VBS flyer 2022
Join us as we welcome Marek & Julie Hancik with Missions 3:16 Czech Republic.